

An anaesthetic is a drug mixture that, when administered, causes sensation loss. They are grouped into the following:

  • General anaesthetic: induces a deep sleep. The patient is not aware of what happens at the time, and they will not remember the operation when then wake up.
  • Local anaesthetic: a temporary measure to alleviate pain by stopping nerve function. The anaesthetic is injected around the area where you will have the operation. Another option is a nerve block, which numbs the nerves to the patient’s arm or leg.
  • Spinal or epidural anaesthetic: injection of local anaesthetics and painkillers near the spinal cord, resulting in pain relief in certain areas of the patient’s body.

Anaesthesia in its different forms can be used to provide a safe and effective way for you to undergo a operation, as well as giving you the necessary pain relief.

If you suffer from a specific condition or are in pain, anaesthetics can provide pain relief. In this case, they will usually be administered by an epidural.

Anaesthetics services are available at:

Parkside Private Hospital

020 8971 8000

53 Parkside, Wimbledon, London, SW19 5NX

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